The Impact of Coronavirus on the Recruitment Process
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Posted 2-Sep -2020
Has Coronavirus changed the process of recruitment forever? How do you think the pandemic has impacted the recruitment industry, job market, and the way companies recruit? If all this is true, then what will be the future of hiring and recruitment world?
The virus has changed the world, especially the way we work forever. Social gatherings, dinner dates, going to the workplace, and even catching up with old friends will never be the way we once knew it. In the last few months, the planet has witnessed a tremulous change. So, there’s no surprise that the once conquering recruitment strategies are no longer of use and wouldn’t fit in the present business world.
Addressing the challenges imposed by the global crisis is important but tweaking the existing hiring methods, interview processes, and onboarding of employees is the key to come out as a winner in these disruptive times. Here are four hiring practices to up your recruitment processes during COVID-19 and help you build your dream team for achieving business goals:
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Make Unbiased Hiring a Priority
It’s a challenging period for everyone – employers are finding it difficult to keep up with the productivity and work efficacy while employees are struggling to strike a work-life balance amid the chaos surrounding the pandemic.
Diversity and inclusion were a matter of debate long before the virus hit the world and are even more significant in the present circumstances. Make unbiased, equitable hiring a priority and practice empathy and transparency while screening candidates.
Enforce Latest Interview Practices
Technology plays a vital role in the success of the current recruitment practices. It’s time to rethink how you draft job descriptions and conduct interviews and discover ways that are more accessible and efficient for both – employers and employees.
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For instance – video interviews, zoom calls, asking behavioural interview questions – all these practices will help you interpret the candidates’ ability to work from anywhere and discover what keeps them sane during these uncertain times.
Value Candidate Experience
Integrating crisis communication into their messaging will help businesses recognise the impact COVID-19 has on job seekers. Draft clear job posts and elucidate expectations while hiring people – this will help them make an informed decision, enhancing the overall candidate experience.
Also, follow up with potential candidates on every step of the recruitment process and share feedback/references in case they aren’t fit for the role.
Enhance the Onboarding Process
Switching to online boarding is the need of an hour, thus it’s important to ensure whether the hired candidates are given necessary tools and technological help. An effective onboarding process helps new employees gain more and more information about the business and make them feel like a part of the team.
Rather than viewing the pandemic as an invincible challenge, focus on how pivoting your practices can lead to better results for your business, your team, and new upcoming talent. The above tips can help you identify how to leverage and hire talent in the post COVID world.
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