Top Strategies to Emphasize Employee Wellness in 2022

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Posted 27-Jan -2022

Wondering how to prioritize employee wellness in the new year? Read our blog to find out top six and simple tricks to keep a check on your employees’ health and happiness.

The COVID-19 pandemic is transforming wellness among people and the business world. It has completely changed the way people look at health and mindfulness, both at home and at work.

The outburst has provided us with possibilities to improve wellbeing and its characteristics, such as mental health, financial stability, relationships, and work-life balance. Now, employers and business leaders must take serious measures to boost the overall health of their employees.

Here are simple six ways that organizations and business leaders can incorporate to prioritize employee wellness in 2022 – 

1. Implement Employee Wellness Programs

Corporate wellness initiatives can enhance employee health, increase productivity, and lower healthcare costs. With such programs, companies can detect and remedy issues that may jeopardise the health of employees.

According to research, workplace health measures can help cut sick leave absenteeism by 27% and healthcare expenses for businesses by 26%. Also, 89% of employees who work for a company that promotes wellness are more inclined to suggest it as a good place to work.

2. Encourage Flexibility & Work-Life Balance

Covid-19 has emphasised the significance of flexibility and work-life balance. Regardless of work-from-home options or the new hybrid model, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is critical to employee well-being and productivity.

Last year when abruptly people were forced to work from home, they juggled their work commitments with domestic tasks. Giving people the flexibility to choose when and where they work from boosts employee engagement and productivity. As a result, employees feel empowered and can deliver to their maximum potential.

3. De-stigmatize Seeking Help

It takes a great deal of courage and strength to seek mental health help. Since mental health problems are still stigmatised, it is critical to recognise and appreciate those who seek care.

A weekly newsletter with the latest information on mental health resources can help employees stay positive and well-informed. Also, transparent and regular communication can help gain the trust of your employees so that they can share their concerns and issues more openly.

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4. Encourage Healthy Habits

Employees have adopted healthier lifestyle choices as a result of their company’s wellness initiative, according to 61% of those polled. With the correct wellness initiatives, you can help your people quit bad habits and encourage them to exercise regularly. In the long run, these measures benefit employees’ mental health and conduct.

As a business leader, you also must maintain the overall health of your employees and motivate them to focus on health and mental wellness.

5. Share Timely & Transparent Information

The majority of employees are currently anxious about the future of the business for which they work and their specific functions. Sharing accurate and timely information can go a long way towards keeping them optimistic and well-informed.

Employers who routinely discuss their company’s performance and financial status during these challenging times are better prepared for difficult conversations.

6. Provide Mental Health Learning

Unfortunately, mental health is still not a very familiar topic to many and is not taken in a good spirit when discussed. Supporting mental health learning can help your team discover how mental health services might benefit them.

You can host webinars, collaborate with groups that promote mental health awareness, and more. Mental health apps and training can also help to encourage further learning and conversations within your team.

With a larger number of employees in the business world reporting burnout from work, it is critical that the management addresses employee fatigue and goes beyond conventional health-related benefits to ensure the overall wellness of their employees.

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